Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Bloomfield Township  (Range 20, Township 19)

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part  |  sec = section  |  cor = corner

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Owner's Name Section Quarter
Appleman, James 13 e½ nw
Baggs, John 12 ne
Barham, Asenith 36 ne
Barham, Stephen 36 nw
Baker, Joseph 1 s½ nw
Coe, Thomas 35 ne
Dickenson, Asa 1 se
Dye, Vincent 17 w½ nw
Foster, Jehu 25 sw
Foster, Jehu 25 pt se
Foster, Christian 25 pt se
Gilliland, James 13 sw
Hall, William 12 w½ sw
Harris, William 12 pt se
Harding, Tryon 11 e side se
Harding, Ebenezer S. 11 w side nw
Harding, Salmon 11 nw
Harding, Mordecai 1 w½ nw
Hunter, David 1 ne
Harris, Jonathan W. 13 w½ nw
Logan, Levi 2 se
Logan, Daniel 1 sw
Kilgore, David 13 se
Montgomery, John 13 ne
McFee, David 11 e½ se
Morris, John 2 ne
Prouty, Stephen 25 ne
Rhule, George 36 se
Starnes, James 11 w½ se
Vanamber, Isaac 12 pt se
Webster, William A. 2 e½ sw
Wakefield, Jesse 12 e½ nw
Young, Aaron 9 sw

Reference Number = 1828 / 9546-9549

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